Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Well, we made it!

Plane from Tampa to Atlanta
Plane from Atlanta to Moscow
Car to the Moscow Train Station
Train from Moscow to Novgorod

Do you know what we're getting at.... yes. PLANES, TRAINS, and AUTOMOBILES. After the last 30 hours of travel, we are living it. R.J. is certainly the John Candy, between the two of us. :)

We don't have much time to post as it's 11:00pm and the business center closes.. in fact it just shut us and we asked her to come back to help.

Alright... We have to go. But know we are here and safe.... AND COLD!!


lindieg9 said...

Congrats on getting there!
On a different note- my party went off beautifully and everyone kept asking if I had a decorator!! You rock girlfriend!! :)
Will get you back your stuff when you get back!
Linda Georgis

Amy D. Osborne said...

Thank God...Good luck and stay warm

Amanda said...

RoJo and Patience,
Woohoo! You're there and you survived that awful, awful series of flights. We feel your pain-- we've done close that more than once.

We're so excited to hear any news at all. I've been thinking about you two non-stop for the last two days. Praying everything goes swimmingly.

Love you,
Mandy and Edward